Wednesday, February 24, 2016



TAO can be talked about, but not the Eternal Tao.
Names can be named, but not the Eternal Name.

As the origin of heaven-and-earth, it is nameless:
As "the Mother" of all things, it is nameable.

So, as ever hidden, we should look at its inner essence:
As always manifest, we should look at its outer aspects.

These two flow from the same source, though differently
And both are called mysteries.

The Mystery of mysteries is the Door of all essence.

Translated by John C. H. Wu

Interpretation by Bill Bernsen


My journal 

Contains a million words 

Cannot all be expressed 

At once 

So I call it Tao


All the words 

That has been written 

Will ever be written

It is not so much 

To know

Where the Tao 

Comes from

But to be receptive 


To receive it

Be the worthy conduit 

For it

Must be open/strong

This is the beginning

Of understanding

The reason it 

Cannot be named 

Is that it changes 

With time/space 

Time/space is

Never still 

As soon as I 

Name it 

I stop it 

Hence it cannot 

Be named

If I stop 

Tai Chi Chuan 

I cannot say 

I am doing it

Where does stillness come in? 


I am never still 

As long as 

I am alive

Blood/ideas are 

Always moving 


Doing Tai Chi Chuan

I cannot teach 


I can guide 

To undoing 

Past things 


Look for


Essence of everything

Only way 

I can do this

Is by following

And listening to

Object or subject

The new 


I get Tai Chi Chuan

Can only come

From the Masters 

As soon as I reveal

The source 

Of the ideas/feelings

Others will assume 

They are getting 

The same feelings

When in truth 

They are not

Masters connect 

Only if 





Only those 


Will know others 

Experiencing the Masters

The mystery is how 

And who will get it?

It is a mystery


I do not know

The answer

Search for answer

Is the way 

Does the secret wait 

To be uncovered

Does the secret search

For those who are worthy

Tai Chi Chuan

Can be talked about

But not 

The Warrior aspect

Chinese warrior

Chan shih

Ping shih

Chun jeh

Some people 

Are not meant

To be Warriors

They quit

Or change principles

For every Warrior 

In battle

There are 

Abundant support soldiers

For every 10,000 Warriors

There is one Hero

I cannot see 

Spirit or gravity

But I can name it

Others that sense it 

Use the same names

All things 

Have spirit/gravity

The true 

Tai Chi Chuan

Cannot be explained

So to communicate it

To others

One must 

Undo the blockages/barriers

How do I do this

By opening heart

Wait for them

To take down

Their own barricades


The oneness

That the Masters 

All have

In common

It is unspeakable

Tao is nameless

Means I cannot

Repeat anything

Masters say

Unless I understand it 

How do I understand it 

By practicing

It is how they learn 

To understand it

Be connected

To those 

Who understand

Once this is implicit


Will be understood

Thru my journals

I am chartering 

The way

If I want 

To know something

I look to nature 

For the answer

Record it 

In journal

The secret


Be revealed 

To others

Only they 

Who find it 

On their own 

Will have it


Is imagined 

The named 

The conduit

The lineage

 Is for me


 Is for me

I must be strong/open

For them

To meet 

Inside me

Tao Te Ching #1

Beginning of reaching

Tai Chi Chuan


Is in the Masters

Those in clandestine 

Are where the secret lays

Inner essence 

Of slow set

Comes from the Masters

It is express outwardly

Master can see it


 In the salute

Master sees 

My inner Jing/Chi


My outer gestures

Can feel it 

And sense it

It is the 6th sense

Tai Chi Chuan 

Is eternal

The gates 

Of Jing/Chi

Is opening 

Sternum gate (heart)


The heart down

To sacrum

Opening the pelvis gate

To ascending 

Earth’s energy

Tai Chi Chuan 

Is a Mystery

There are methods

But the way 

Is unmapped

All artists try to map

The way 

Thru their art

Tai Chi Chuan 

Can be taught

But not

   Everlasting Chuan

Only the Masters


 The eternal Chuan

Only worthy

Become Masters

The Tao 

Is connecting 


Via Tai Chi Chuan

The secret 

To understanding

Tai Chi Chuan

Open to it

Be strong


To practice is

To ponder

And eventually

Pounce like a tiger

Like the future

Next moment 

In time

If I cannot predict 

My own future

How can I 

Predict others 

So I must follow

My own thoughts

At the moment

Do not try 

To change others

This only takes me 

Away from myself

Someday can hope to

Understand them

Both mine and theirs 

There are words 

For now

But by the time 

I speak them 

Now is past 

Then if I speak

Of them

Then I am not listening 

To the now 

By the time I speak 

Of anything 

It is past 

Even what I just wrote

Is past 

I can 

Slightly feel

A new thought


Past, present and future

All at once

The word for

The past, present and future

Is Tao

So every time I look

At the past

I can see

Present and future



Of Tai Chi Chuan

With time/space 

Is the yin/yang 


So if I think 

Of the yin 

I think 

Of the yang

Combining Yin and Yang 

With time I have

Past yin

Present yang

Future yin

To yin 

To yang 

The degrees

Of yin and yang

Is up to Nature

So if something is yin

In the past

I can predict it

Will be yang 

In the future

The transitions

The present


Very closely

I can feel

The change over

If I talk

I stop the process

Tai Chi Chuan constant

Yin to yang

Yang to yin

Past to present

During Slow set

I can feel 

The future

When I project 

My chi

Into my sword

Beyond my hand

Perhaps thru Chi   

I can predict 

The future

It is by merging 

The mind, yi

And body Chi 

Into one

The Tao

See something 

Of the Tai Chi 

In all

Also I can see 

Where it is not 

In others

See beyond limitations 

This is what

I must do 

To slow set  

Open heart 

For the Masters

The source

Is the slow set

Tao = Slow set

All applications 

In push hands

Come out 

Of slow set

Have no intent

Can be like it

Not needing anything

Seeing the


The root 

Of everything

No map or guide

Ask someone 

Who has been there

No one 

Has been there  

But there are those 

Ahead of me 

The Masters

Can learn 

By their mistakes

This is the undoing

Don’t repeat 

The same mistakes 

The deepest secrets 

Cannot be named

But they can be felt 

Creating of a new feeling 

Unknown source 

Has a receiver “me” 

I must be open 

To receive them 

Many lose it at this point 

There is a common source 

That is “me” 

The idea waits 

For my comprehension 


Can be talked about

But not

The ultimate seeing

All the senses/smell/taste/hearing/touching

Are the way

Of sixth sense

Is all the above

With love

What creates all 

Masters of course


The unknown direction

That they are leading 

Then I will

Not need direction

From others

Nor my own senses


Mysterious yonder


Can be named

But not the essence 

Of the gesture

Where do I get

The new ideas

From myself

By listening

To the Masters

Follow the Masters

I can be like them

Cannot be 

With the Masters

All the time

I can instill

Slow set in everything

Even if I cannot 

Always see it

If all I sense 


I turn to my

Sixth sense

 I know not where 

The ideas 

Come from

Mother = Master

Subtle wonder

Secret waits 

For the insight 


By longing

To understand

The self (gesture)

Others (applications)

Look inward

Then express what

I find outwardly

In the form

The transition

Cannot be expressed

In words

In and out

Come paired

But distinct

It is expressed in art

Slow Set 

Will help undo


This must be done 


To push hands.

How do I do it?

By undoing

Since this is 

A paradox

There is no name 

Or words for it

There is no name

For the Tao

Search for the name

Because I don’t know

This is living and thinking

It is best to be

In a state

Of not knowing

Causes the search

To continue

The future

I don’t know

Future is ignorance


 To know 

This is

To be in the present

This is healthy 

To be sick

Is to always live

In the past or future

To try and know the future

Is a sickness

To try and relive the past

Is also a sickness

Just live in the present

If I can just wait

In the present

The future will come

If I am listening

If I am trying

To speed up the future

I am not listening

And will miss it

If I try to use the past

To predict the future

I am not 

In the present

And not listening 

Nature is spontaneous

If I merge with nature

I am doing Tai Chi Chuan

New ideas 

Come from 

The past Masters

Must be connected

Via the present Master

To realize that ideas

Come from past Masters

Like universe

Masters always here

Energy is the Masters

Thing unknown 

To the past

Are thing know 

To use now

True then true now

True in the future

As I read

The above

It put me into

A state of the Tao

There still

Is something

Beyond the above


Is spirit/heaven/Masters 

Supported by earth’s energy




Hidden is the merging

Manifest in gestures

Flow from Masters

Lift the lineage

Ward-off the mundane

Rollback/press ideas


The inner

Then the outer



Spirit and gravity

Is the epiphany

Of life

Spirit and gravity


Conduit to infinity




In Master

Tai Chi Chuan 



In student


Is elastic


In past/future

The worthy

Gets the words


To experience



To eternity

The mystery

Of merging

Spirit and gravity

Via Tai Chi Chuan

Tai Chi Chuan

Slow Set



To Tao

The Tao

Is the union

Of spirit/gravity

In my heart


Is eternal


Tao is mind

A fulcrum


Spirit and gravity

Use Tai Chi Chuan

To find it

Tao cannot

Be talked about

Because it is personal

Tao should be

Thought about

Because it is spiritual


A worthy

Warrior will

Heed hidden

Teachings of 

The lineage

Secret to

Slow Set

Is merging

Spirit and gravity

In applications

With Master

Results in oneness

With the lineage

Tai Chi

Slow Set



To create






