Wednesday, February 24, 2016


WHEN the people are no longer afraid of death,
Why scare them with the specter of death?
If you could make the people always afraid of death,
And they still persisted in breaking the law,
Then you might with reason arrest and execute them,
And who would dare to break the law?
Is not the Great Executor always there to kill?
To do the killing for the Great Executor
Is to chop wood for a master carpenter,
And you would be lucky indeed if you did not hurt
 your own hand!
Translated by John C. H. Wu
Interpretation by Bill Bernsen


If student 
Loves the art 
They will see it 
In me
I do not have
To say anything
Do not threaten 
In a response
To a threat 
Of death
It is using intent
Only respond with
Ward off/rollback/press
 Push lastly
Always follow
Follow means 
Person’s intent
Even to the point of
Physical contact 
Then just think 
The person going way 
Tai Chi Chuan 
Will take over here
Threat comes 
From within 
Usually shows 
In the objective
If the intent 
Is evil 
I am sensitive enough 
I see it before it turns
I can avoid it 
This is Tai Chi Chuan
Only the Master
Can punish
Sometimes the Masters
May work thru me
So if I punish 
A student
Do it via thought
Non action
A carpenter measure twice
And cuts once
The first measurement
Is by me
The second is 
By the Masters
The Taoist 
Does not go 
To the mountain
The mountain goes 
To the Taoist
Be receptive
It is not up to me 
To decide who 
Learns the art
This is the sole job 
Of the Masters
Do not even think 
Who will make it 
Who will not 
Are in complete
Of the class
They decide who stays
And who goes
This is true 
Journey to China  
What makes students 
Getting them 
To open up
To the art 
I have such faith
In the art
That even when they 
Have doubts
They continue
Masters are always 
Looking for someone
To fill certain jobs
Continuing on 
What I am teaching
Some student teachers go it alone 
Some students leave 
Teach by
Taking on those 
Who are too weak 
To study with the Master
It all shows in
Their demeanor 
And their form 
Don’t fear death
In a dream
It is only a change
An old feeling 
Toward the person 
A word can kill 
As easily as a weapon 
Treat a word 
Like a sharp sword 
Must not fear 
Getting stabbed
By others’ words
Ward off/rollback/press/push
Dying = quitting Master
Killing = not letting 
Someone come to class 
Which students get it 
And which don’t
It is not up to me
It is up to the student  
There is a time
To rest
A time to practice
A time to repair
Just repairing may take
A lifetime
Everyone has a job
Even if it is only 
Paying for class 
To support
 The teacher 
The Masters support 
Is the fulcrum 
Must find it on my own
No one can give it 
Except the Masters
Will bestowal 
Upon the worthy
If students
 Do not want
To practice
Why practice with them
The Masters are there
To watch them so
I do not have too
The secret 
To solo practice
Don’t threaten students 
If they don’t practice
If I do intimidate them 
They will go
Don’t advertise 
Only the Masters 
Can decide
He who tries
To teach like
The Master
Will fail
He who lets the Master
Teach thru himself
Will succeed
Stop trying 
To correct conduct 
In the school
 By threats
Just act correctly 
Those who are supposed to 
Will see it 
Verbal rules 
Are for fools 
I heed
Build a school
 And teach
Whoever shows up
People who show up
Are suppose too
Masters decide
Who will stay
And who will go
Even who will return
And who will
Unworthy students 
Are not connected
So they do fear 
Being disconnected 
Students find me
Students learn from me
Students doubt me
Students leave me
Students and I have nothing
To do with the process
It is totally up
To the Masters
Are always ready 
To kill 
A student’s interest
It is an ultimate test
Do not 
Hurt self 
Or others
I am not the substitute
For the Master
Only his conduit
I am nothing but 
A straw dog/ clay dragon
No need to ask 
A student
To leave verbally
Masters will decide who
Is worthy to continue 
Who will stop
Many test
Perform on students
Masters may perform
The test
 Thru the teacher
And it is a test 
Of teacher too
Are the Masters 
Thru me when 
I think negatively 
About a student
Never forget
A student 
Whom is ask 
To leave class
Are in charge
Masters decide 
Students come 
Students go 
To this poem #74.
Never lack faith
In teaching and feeling
There are no doubts
If students 
Do not practice
With their hearts in it
Telling them to practice
Is hopeless
Not quite
Their heart might open 
During next practice
If students 
Don’t love 
Tai Chi Chuan 
They won’t practice 
The art dies
In them
Practice or die
Tai Chi students 
If they don’t love class 
They don’t fear quitting 
If they enjoy class 
Threat of quitting
Is meaningful  
Refuse to teach
A student 
It will hurt forever
Harm others 
Harm self
Heal others 
Heal self
It is not up to me 
Who comes to class 
Build it 
They will come
Masters decide all 
Who are they
That is worthy
Look in a mirror
It is not up to me 
Who stays 
Who goes 
Only students
Knows in the end 
Thru practice 
Show my worthiness
Don’t mangle
The students
Or the form
Not up to me 
Who comes 
Who goes 
Remember all 
Worthy students
Are capable
Of connecting 
To the Masters
Are in charge 
Listen to them 
Refusing to teach
A student or stopping
The teaching 
Of a student
Is demise 
Do not try 
To be the Master 
If someone is 
Doing wrong
Use ward off/rollback/press/push
Let the Masters
Speak thru me
A dilemma
Do I execute 
One student
To help the many
It is a test 
By the Masters
For the one
And the many
Masters will take 
Care of it
Warning student
I am not going 
To teach them 
They get to point
Of not fearing
 The stopping  
I cannot stop them 
From coming to class,
Only the Masters can
No longer
Teaching the art
Closing class
To anyone
If I do
I end up not learning
Beginners insight
Quitting is not 
The solution 
To anything
Perhaps changing
The problem 
No root
Loss of balance
Flashes of others insights
Not listening enough
Evil/harmful injurious 
To peace of morals
He who tries
To teach like
 The Master
Usually ends up
Not being himself
He must find his
Own way

To execute 
Might lead
To my own execution
Once they start 
Tai Chi Chuan 
I cannot stop them
I can refuse
To teach them
What I know
Let them find it 
How Grandmaster Tung Ying-chieh
Most are dead 
Before they start 
Who knows 
Who is worthy
Do not expire them
Unworthy students
Will die on their own
Tai Chi is passive
Don’t kill them
The Masters
Decide if one
Is worthy
Stopping practice
Is the same as death
It is up to the lineage
As to who continues
The secret
Is authenticity
Lineage chooses
Who is worthy
I can not
Decide who
Is worthy
Doubt = death
The unworthy
Will quit
On their own
I’ll never forget
The students
I expelled
The undeserving
Will quit
Without notice
Don’t doubt
A worthy
The lineage
Decides who is
The worthy
Will not worry
About death
When the student
Stop listening
To the lineage
Why teach them
That love
The lineage
Will not quit
No one
Not even the Master
Can make them stop
Only a lack 
Of faith
Can be fatal
Never think
Of lineage
Including students
Leads to
Then enlightenment

Criticize not

To not be judged

Don’t worry 

About the unworthy

Interferer not

With lineage
















To teach


is an egregious



Is life

Lack either

Results in death

Master cannot

Install dedication

Only worthy

Devoted students

Will succeed

Slow Set

While aligning


During practice

Is not the specter

 Of pain 

Always there

Continue practicing 

Until pain 

Has subsided 

Spirit and gravity

Will become one

When a prosaic student

Does not practice

They do not

Fear quitting

A worthy student’s

Practice learns

Something new

Each day






